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Quest For Fire Quest For Fire Rar

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In the prehistoric world, a Cro-Magnon tribe depends on an ever-burning source of fire, which eventually extinguishes. Lacking the knowledge to start a new fire, the tribe sends three warriors on a quest for more. Quest For Fire has been one of my all-time faves since it was released, but it has been hard to find. Leave it to Amazon to have some copies available! The movie's story line may not be 100% accurate according to ancient anthropological timelines, but that wasn't the point.

Dragon Quest V is a turn-based RPG released in 1992 and is the fifth installment in the popular Dragon Quest series. Breath of Fire - Ryuu no Senshi (Japan) [SNES. Quest for Fire (1981) Anthony Burgess created the primitive language for the early humans in this prehistoric adventure about a trio of warriors who travel the savanna, encountering sabre-toothed tigers, mammoths and cannibalistic tribes in search of a flame that would replace the fire their tribe has lost.

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'Drawn by quest for fire, they searched all through the land
Drawn by quest for fire, discovery of man'

Quest for Fire (French: La Guerre du feu, 'The War of Fire') is a 1981 film directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud. It is based off the book of the same name by Belgian author J.H. Rosny aîné. It is set in Paleolithic Europe, around 80,000 years ago, and concerns a small group of cavemen as they search for the fire their tribe needs to survive, not knowing how to produce it themselves.

Everett McGill, Ron Perlman, Nicholas Kadi, and Rae Dawn Chong appear as the primary group of cavemen followed by the film.


Provides Examples Of:

  • Acceptable Breaks from Reality: The film did an excellent job of showing that life for people at the time was basically a daily fight for survival and that humans were also not the dominant species on the planet. However, it is unlikely there would be such differently evolved tribes living in such close proximity to each other and there is some Misplaced Wildlife. That being said, had this not been written in it would've likely been a very dull story.
  • Accidental Pornomancer: The Ivaka happen to take a liking to Naoh and end up sending most of their women to his hut for sex, much to his initial confusion. (The Ivaka mate face to face, and Naoh can't figure out why the first woman is lying face-up, until she finally catches on and turns over onto all fours.)
  • Adaptation Expansion: Of a sort. The novel presented two human species: Homo neandertalensis (Wagabu and Kzamm) and Homo sapiens (Ulam and Ivaka). In the film, there seems to be several different species running around, with the Ulam looking and behaving much more primitive than H. sapiens.
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  • All Cavemen Were Neanderthals: Averted: The Kzamm are definitely Neanderthals, but the Ulam are more ambiguous, and the Ivaka are clearly Homo sapiens. The Wagabu are shaggy and bestial, suggesting a more primitive species of hominid.
  • Ambiguously Brown: In contrast to the light-skinned Ulam and Kzamm, Ika and the Ivaka tribe cover their entire bodies in paint and have noticeably non-Caucasian features. Ika is played by Rae Dawn Chong, who is mixed raced. The director wanted the Ivaka to not conform to the appearance of any single ethnic group, in that they're a tribe of Cro-Magnons who predate modern ethnicities.
  • An Arm and a Leg: When the trio first meet the Kzamm, they have captured Ika and her mate and are hanging them upside down from a tree like game. The next morning, his arm has been amputated and eaten by the cannibals. Ika manages to free them both, but he immediately collapses and dies of his injuries, leaving her alone with no recourse but to join the trio on their quest. (His death is not entirely obvious, making the scene somewhat ambiguous.)
  • Artistic License – Paleontology: The sabre-toothed cats are portrayed by lions wearing false fangs. Real sabre-toothed cats were physically very different from modern big cats.
  • Attempted Rape: Played with. The Ulam have a very limited language and no real concept of verbal consent, so when Amouker grabs Ika without permission, she resists and Naoh stops him.. only to mount her himself a second later.
  • Babies Ever After: By the closing scene, Ika has become pregnant with Naoh's child.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: An odd example in a film with so much casual nudity: the Wagabu lack any visible genitals.
  • Bears Are Bad News: Gaw is severely mauled by a cave bear.
  • Beauty = Goodness: Naoh is the most handsome member of Ulam, and he is our primary hero. Our heroine Ika conforms to modern sensibilities of attractiveness, being sleek and slender, while her tribe prefers women that would be considered obese by conventional modern tastes. By contrast, the villains of the film, including the rival tribes of sub-humans and the treacherous members of the Ulam, are all ugly.
  • Big Beautiful Woman: Seems to be the ideal of beauty among the Ivaka, to the point that the much thinner Ika is treated poorly for being deemed ugly.
  • Bi the Way, Situational Sexuality: After watching Naoh and Ika copulate face-to-face for the first time, Amouker approaches Gaw for sex, but is rebuffed.
  • Body Paint: All the Ivaka wear full body paint made of clay and charcoal. Naoh is painted in this way when he is initiated into the tribe.
  • Book-Ends: The film begins and ends with the same long-shot pan to the fire.
  • Cannibal Tribe: The Kzamm.
  • Clash of Evolutionary Levels: There's basically a four-way evolutionary battle royale going on between the four primitive human tribes.
  • Conlang: Writer Anthony Burgess created the prehistoric languages for the film. He explains his methods here.
  • Coitus Interruptus: At the beginning of the film, an Ulam male is vigorously copulating with one of the females when the Wagabu launch their attack. Needless to say, it kind of kills the mood.
  • Culture Clash: the Ulam and Ivaka are vastly different cultures, causing a few misunderstandings when they make contact (see Deliberate Values Dissonance below).
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance:
    • Ulam 'courtship' consists of males grabbing random females and mounting them with little to no verbal communication or negotiation. This causes some problems when Ulam males come into contact with an Ivaka (Homo sapiens) female.
    • The Ulam don't understand laughter. When Ivaka laughs for the first time, they become unsettled. Later, they seem to have adopted the concept and bring it back home with them.
  • Do You Want to Copulate?: Sex in the paleolithic is extremely open and casual. Truth in Television: even today, people in hunter-gatherer societies live in very close quarters with little if any privacy, so sex often occurs in full view of other clan members, including children.
  • Dude, Not Funny!: In-universe. In one scene a guy gets hit on the head. Ika laughs hysterically for over a minute; the others glare at her. This is because the concept of laughter is unknown to them. Later, however, they have a healthy dose of it.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: The group returns with fire.. only for it to be extinguished by the tribe's fire tender. Naoh tries to make fire with sticks, to no avail. Then Ika tries.. and succeeds!
  • Fan Disservice: There is a lot of straightforward sex and nudity in this film, but most of it isn't very sexy. Most of the people aren't very pretty and the sex is rough and animalistic.
  • Finagle's Law: When Naoh finally returns to his tribe with the fire, during the celebrations, one of the tribesmen trips and falls into the swamp, snuffing the flames.
  • Frazetta Man: The Wagabu definitely fit this trope, being hairy and bestial, with intense physical strength.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Subverted. The film is quite bloody and gory in places, most notably the scene where a spear is thrust through a Wagabu's mouth and out through the back of his head.
  • Groin Attack: A Kzamm bites Naoh in the genitals, causing him severe pain. He is later healed by Ika.
  • Humans Are Special: The Ivaka (anatomically modern humans) are initially the only people capable of understanding humour, starting their own fires, constructing free-standing shelters, and copulating face-to-face. Science Marches On, and it is now thought that all, or most, Homo species shared these abilities to some degree (even great apes like chimps and gorillas are known to understand humour and mate face-to-face).
  • I Ate WHAT?!: Amoukar has this reaction when he learns that the leftover meat he's been chewing on is human.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: The Kzamm are a cannibalistic tribe of Neanderthals. Truth in Television, as many anthropologists think that at least some Neanderthals practiced some form of cannibalism.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Ika is easily the most innocent and gentle character in the film. She is also casually naked throughout most of it (as is usual for her tribe) and, like most hunter-gatherers, is not the least bit shy about sex.
  • Intimidation Demonstration: A big factor in conflicts between human and proto-human tribes. The Kzamm smash their clubs on the ground when they approach the Ulam. Amouker boldly responds with his own demonstration.
  • Intimate Healing: Ika's treatment of Naoh's wounded genitals seems to involve oral sex.
  • Jitter Cam: An early example of the trope, though not as pronounced as it is today. There's noticeable jitter during the tribal battles, typically reserved for 1 vs 1 shots. Also notable because these are not POV shots, which most pre-2000 jitter was limited to.
  • Keet: Ika definitely fits the bill, being small, cute and highly vocal with a loud laugh (something unknown to the Ulam).
  • Mama Bear: A literal example: Gaw and Ika tamper with a Cave bear cub with the expected result.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Ika who teaches Naoh and the other Ulam males to laugh and love.
  • Misplaced Wildlife: A Marabou stork appears in one scene. Marabou storks are found only in Africa and are thus out of place in Pleistocene Europe. The bird was probably chosen for it's bizarre 'prehistoric' appearance.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Ika, a Homo sapiens female and the most conventionally attractive person in the film who wears little more than body paint and a smile for most of her screen time.
  • National Geographic Nudity: Ika (along with the other Ivaka females) is naked throughout most of the movie. In particular, Rae Dawn Chong was cast as Ika because she was the most comfortable with nudity. She remained nude and covered in body paint between takes to stay in character (as can be seen, briefly, in the behind the scenes documentary). The Ulam wear furs draped loosely over their bodies that often reveal breasts and buttocks.
  • Nubile Savage: Averted. Most of the women in this film are not pretty to modern sensibilities. Even the more conventionally attractive Ika doesn't fully conform to modern standards of beauty, being covered head to toe in clay and charcoal.
  • 1 Million B.C.: Slightly more accurate than most examples. The caption, as noted above, reads '80,000 years ago', but Annaud admits in the DVD commentary that it might just as well be 800,000, so..
  • Pelts of the Barbarian: The savage Kzamm are clothed in heavy furs.
  • Questionable Consent: Given the culture of the setting, and the generally animalistic behaviour it's unclear to what extent consent is given, if at all, and some of the sex scenes definitely resemble rape.
  • Quicksand Sucks: Naoh falls victim to this on the way to the Ivaka settlement, as do Amouker and Gaw when they go looking for him.
  • Rape, Pillage, and Burn: What the Wagabu do to the Ulam at the beginning, minus the burning as they have no fire (in fact, fire is what they're looking to pillage).
  • Savage Piercings: The Kzamm wear bones through their nostrils.
  • Savage Wolves: Several Ulam survivors are overpowered and killed by wolves as they flee from the Wagabu.
  • Scared of What's Behind You: The Kzamm aren't frightened by Amouker's Intimidation Demonstration, they're afraid of the herd of mammoths behind him.
  • Scenery Porn, Real Place Background, Shoot the Money: The film was shot in Canada, Scotland, Iceland, and Kenya, leading to some gorgeous shots.
  • 'Shaggy Dog' Story: Barely averted. The Ulam go through hell to get fire, only for Naoh to accidentally douse it when they return home. Fortunately Ika knows how to make it herself.
  • Silence Is Golden: This is essentially a silent film, with the only dialogue spoken in fictional prehistoric languages.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Ika is the only named female character in the film.
  • Stock Dinosaurs: No non-avian dinosaurs are present, but the prerequisite woolly mammoths and sabre-toothed cats show up.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: The sabre-toothed cats wait under the tree for the trio to fall, long after any real predator would give up.
  • Slurpasaur: As stated above, the aforementioned sabre-toothed cats are played by trained lions with prosthetic teeth.
  • Tap on the Head: Amouker and Gaw do this to Naoh and several Ivaka men.
  • Tribal Carry: The Ulam trio are carried into the Ivaka settlement this way. Ika and her mate are trussed up like this at the Kzamm camp.
  • Tribal Face Paint: All the Ivaka paint their faces, as well as the rest of their bodies.
  • Truth in Television: As mentioned under Science Marches On, this film got many things wrong, but it got a few things right as well:
    • It is now known that neanderthals and other archaic humans possessed the ability to use and make fire, but it is possible for this ability to be lost in a culture that does not have a system of writing or any other way of keeping records. Even in recent times, some hunter-gatherer cultures lack the knowledge to start fire and will maintain one continuous fire like the Ulam do in the film.
    • The film portrays multiple human species interacting and even interbreeding. This wasn't supported when the movie came out, but has now been found to be accurate. At least two species (the Neanderthals and the mysterious Denisovans) have left traces in the human genome. Neanderthal and Denisovan remains have been identified in southern Siberia and dated to about 50,000-40,000 (just before or around the time modern humans also moved into the area).
    • The Wagabu are portrayed as a more primitive, ape-like species covered in shaggy hair. In the traditional view of human evolution, the idea of such a primitive species living alongside Neanderthals and modern humans seemed unlikely but the recently-discovered Red Deer Cave people seem to share features in common with early species like Homo habilis, and given the sketchy nature of the fossil record, it is entirely possible than many such archaic species may have survived until recent times in habitats where fossilization doesn't occur.
    • The method of fire-making depicted in the movie is 100% accurate. The fire-maker character is played by a Maasai tribesman who actually demonstrated the technique to the filmmakers and was persuaded to recreate it for the cameras.
    • All things considered, this film holds up better now than it did at the time of release.
  • Uncanny Valley Makeup: The makeup effects on the people works very well..too well. The Ivaka look almost like ghosts with their ash and clay-based body paint.


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